Club Rules

The PEMAC Constitution can be downloaded from


1. Only electric powered model aircraft shall be flown at this club; the use of nitro/methanol or other fuel driven model aircraft is forbidden.
2. All models are to comply with the club’s policy on noise at all times (under 80dBa at full throttle measured at 7.5m).
3. Members are required to take their rubbish with them when leaving the field.
4. Any defective batteries and/or broken models are to be taken home and disposed of appropriately by members.


1. Before the flying of any models can commence the field box will be opened, and the fire extinguisher and first aid kit will be made accessible.
2. Pre-flight checks of airframes and control surfaces are to be undertaken prior to flying a model and after a hard landing.
3. Perform a transmitter range check for each model you intend to fly to ensure proper response of control surfaces and motor.
4. If you have any doubt about a model’s air-worthiness – DO NOT FLY IT.

1. The connection and disconnection of main flight batteries is to take place only in the pit area and not in the car park or public area.
2. All operating aircraft in the pits area will be physically restrained where possible.
3. The pit area line is the taxi point for models. Models are not permitted to taxi into or within the pit area at any time.
4. On returning to the pit area all motors must be stopped and batteries disconnected.
5. Pilots will ensure their receivers are switched off or if it is on, make sure the transmitter is also on with the throttle set to low before connecting the main flight batteries to the speed controller.
6. Only PEMAC members and accompanied guests/visitors may enter the pit area.

1. Models must only be flown in accordance with our club rules, CASA regulations, within the designated flying area and under the 400 feet ceiling required by CASA regulations at all times (see map below)


2. All radio transmitters used must comply with the club policy in order to be used. See club policy below for details.
3. All transmitters (except 2.4Ghz) must be impounded when not in use.
4. The frequency board must be used by all pilots during operation of transmitters not operating on 2.4Ghz
5. All aircraft take offs including hand launches must be from the runway.
6. No take offs to be made from behind the pilot box
7. All pilots will fly their aircraft from the pilot box. Pilots may stand behind their aircraft during take-off but must make their way into the pilot box immediately after take-off.
8. No flying over Pilot Box, Pit Area, car park, any public area or beyond the designated flying area – SERIOUS DISCIPLINARY ACTION MAY RESULT.
9. No more than 6 models may be flown at any one time of which no more than 1 may be a helicopter (this may be altered during special events or during competitions)
10. Circuits must be flown if more than one aircraft is flying. This includes helicopters. The direction of circuits will be determined by the wind direction over the landing area/strip.
11. All “Low passes” and their direction must be announced loudly and acknowledged by other pilots flying.
12. Priority order for runway use is as follows:-
1. Deadstick landings – (announce loudly “Deadstick!”)
2. Powered landings – (announce loudly “Landing!”)
3. Taxiing to clear runway
4. Take offs – (announce loudly “Taking Off!”)
5. Taxiing to take-off point

FPV (first person view) flying is permitted at PEMAC under the following conditions only.
1. The model must be flown within the designated flying area at all times
2. The model must be flown within line of sight at all times
3. An assistant must be present alongside the FPV pilot to act as a visual line of sight “spotter” for the FPV pilot. The assistant is responsible for monitoring the flight at all times and will ensure the FPV pilot is kept advised of the aircrafts position at all times.

1. Intention to enter the flying area to physically recover a model must be clearly announced loudly and be acknowledged by all pilots flying before actually entering the flying area.
2. All pilots flying must ensure that their models maintain an altitude of at least 30 metres and avoid flying over a person/s entering the flying area to perform a physical recovery of their model. Persons will loudly announce “ON THE FIELD” or “ON THE STRIP”, before entering the flying area and “OFF THE FIELD/STRIP” when the recovery is complete.

1. Only pilots flying, under instruction, providing instruction, test flying a model or persons spotting for/assisting a pilot should enter the Pilot box.
2. Persons not a club member who wish to take photographs or video of models flying may only enter the pit area and/or Pilot box with the permission of and under the supervision of a club member.
3. No smoking in the pilot box

1. Members are to exercise the greatest care when charging their batteries at the field and monitor the charging process at all times.

1. Any committee member present shall have the authority to act upon any issue of safety or noise relating to the flying of model aircraft at the field and take any reasonable action required to address such issue, including if necessary, the grounding of members and/or their model/s.
2. In the absence of a committee member all members present at the field shall be responsible for ensuring that breaches of safety or excessive noise levels are brought to the attention of the member concerned and shall report the member to the committee if the member disregards the advice given.
3. Members who display a disregard for club rules may have their club membership and flying privileges terminated.

1. Prior to commencing flying operations, the field box should be opened to ensure access to the fire extinguisher and first aid kit.
2. It is recommended that you always fly with someone else to enable immediate assistance to be given in the event of an accident or injury.
3. If flying alone ensure you have a means of contacting emergency services if required (mobile telephone).
4. Incidents arising from the flying of model aircraft at PEMAC which result in personal injury or damage to property (other than to a model aircraft) are to be reported immediately to a committee member.
5. Hart Field is occasionally frequented by both black snakes and brown snakes and great care should be taken if recovering models from areas outside our field perimeter. Gum boots are located in the field box and a snake bite kit is located in the first aid kit.

1. All aircraft must be grounded whilst mowing or field maintenance is in progress.

1. All flying activities are allowed to be conducted 7 days a week from 8AM to sunset.
2. Ducted fans are permitted to be flown and must be sound checked by a Committee member to ensure they comply with our noise policy in order to be approved to fly.

1. Children must be supervised at all times and may not enter the pit area or flying area except under the direct control of an adult member.
2. Dogs are not permitted in the pit area or flying area at any time and must be kept on a leash.

1. The main council access gate to Russell Street must be locked after entry and egress at all times. Russell Street is a closed road to the public and must remain so at all times.
2. Vehicular access to Russell Street has been granted to club members only for the purpose of access to Hart Field. Members are not to misuse this access to engage in any other activity in the area e.g. Four-wheel driving, trail bike riding etc.
3. Members who abuse their vehicular access to Russell Street will have their club membership terminated.
4. The gate to Hart field may be left open but the lock must be re-locked on its chain at all times to ensure no passerby discovers the combination.
5. All padlock combinations are for use by PEMAC members only and must not be given to any non-club member.
6. Members should take all precautions to prevent others from seeing the combination when unlocking/locking the padlocks.
7. Padlock combinations will be changed as required.
8. In the case of unauthorized entry or use of the club field, the person/s should first be politely asked to leave. If they refuse, then they are trespassing, and Police should be called. PEMAC is the lawful occupier of the area by agreement with Penrith Council.
9. Cars to be parked in the parking area.

1. Visitors are not to be given the lock combination under any circumstances and must be met at the main gate to Russell Street by a club member.
2. The club member will assume full responsibility for the visitor at all times whilst at Hart Field and will personally supervise their flying.
3. Any potential new member is required to be signed in the club visitor book by a club member before being permitted to fly.
4. A potential new club member (including persons already a member of the AMAS or MAAA) may only fly four times at our club before being required to become a member of the club.
5. Membership of AMAS does not entitle a person to membership of PEMAC or the use of Hart Field.
6. Visiting AMAS and MAAA members are required to sign the visitor book and be signed in by a club member.
7. ALL visitors MUST comply with all club rules and CASA regulations whilst flying.

Penrith Electric Model Aero Club has been operating at our field for over five years and in that time, we have received only 2 complaints regarding noise. While those issues were addressed and while our efforts to keep the operation of our models as inoffensive as possible to local residents has been very successful, there is a need to implement a standard at the field in terms of noise. Following a meeting of club members PEMAC has therefore adopted a noise level policy for all models flown at our field.

While there are no legal regulations specifically governing model aircraft noise but given that we operate in proximity to a residential area, we have adopted the noise level set for the operation of lawnmowers and string trimmers under the Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulations of 2008. These regulations set the noise level for the operation of these common household tools at 80dB(A) (measured at 7.5 meters). In effect one can operate a lawnmower or whipper sniper and not be subject to prosecution if the mower/whipper sniper complies with the POEO regulations and they are operated during the hours allowed by local Council regulations. Therefore, it stands to reason that a model aircraft operating at a greater distance from any residential area (vertically and/or horizontally) at or under 80dB(A) will produce far less noise than a neighbour’s lawnmower and should provide less cause for complaint or concern by local residents.

While the vast majority of our models are practically inaudible, PEMAC considers this is a reasonable application of the POEO Regulations regarding noise levels emitted by our models and that the adoption of this policy and stringent self-regulation will satisfy local residents and council that we are acting responsibly in terms of our use of the area.

It should be noted that this sound level has not been imposed by Council nor approved by Council as being reasonable or allowable. Therefore, it may be subject to review at any time. It is purely our Club policy designed to assist in avoiding issues concerning the noise of our models.
The under 80dB(A) limit applies to all models, fixed wing, rotor and ducted fan.

Which models will require testing?
This is fairly subjective as models differ significantly in terms of their motors (kv rating), prop/blade/fan size, pitch and type but as a guide all ducted fan models and large powered models will be required to be tested. Members are also advised that if they have any concerns regarding the noise their models make, that they have them tested before they fly them. Models that have been tested and are then subsequently modified in terms of motor/prop/fan unit etc will require re-testing before being permitted to fly.

So, can I fly ducted fans at PEMAC?
Yes, you can so long as they are under 80dB(A), however they must always be sound tested prior to being flown for the first time or after any modification to the motor, fan unit or increase in battery voltage.

Will keeping our models under 80dB(A) ensure we don’t receive complaints?
No, it won’t. The 80dB(A) level is the top line measurement and has not been imposed by Council nor approved by Council as being reasonable or allowable. Members should be working towards ensuring their models come in well under that level where possible. We may still receive complaints, but it is hoped that our enforcement of this policy will reduce the number of complaints we may otherwise receive.

What happens if there is a noise complaint?
Each complaint will be investigated by the Committee. Model’s and pilots may be grounded, and repeat offenders could risk losing their club membership.

What can I do to make my model quieter?
Members should always be aiming to make their models as quiet as possible. This can be as simple as changing the prop size or prop pitch to installing better quality motors and better ducted fan systems. Remember the noise from our models is generated mainly from the prop, rotor or fan blades. Poor quality equipment, out of balance props etc, will lead to more noise as will overpowering models. Don’t go for more power/speed without considering the additional noise that will be created, be prepared to sacrifice power/speed for stealth. Installing good quality components and equipment will always result in less noise and a far more reliable aircraft.

What if I can’t get my model under 80dB(A)?
Then it will not be permitted to be flown at PEMAC. It is a fact of life at PEMAC that some models straight out of the box (eg. Strykers) will never be permitted to be flown at the field due to the noise they generate. Members possessing such models are encouraged to acquire membership at other clubs where they may be flown without restriction. Our flying area is small by some standards and being adjacent to a residential area we have an obligation to local residents to ensure that our activity does not adversely affect them. The vast majority of local residents have been very supportive of our club and are very pleased to have us flying our models in the reserve. So, it is the responsibility of every member to maintain this good relationship. If that means we can’t fly particular models, then that is a small price to pay.

How can I get my model tested?
Testing can be arranged by contacting any of the club committee.

What is the testing procedure?
The noise level is determined by a static test, setting the model a distance of 7.5m from the noise measuring instrument. The model is secured, and four measurements are taken (front, rear and both sides) with the motor running at full power. The mean average of the four readings will be used to determine the models noise level. Models which exceed 80dB(A) will not be permitted to be flown.

I am visiting your club should I have my model tested before hand?
The vast majority of electric models will operate well under 80dB(A) however if you are concerned then this is a good idea particularly if you are travelling some distance to fly at our field. You may also be able to arrange to have it tested at our field by contacting the Club Vice President on the number provided above.


As helicopters have a lot of rotating metal parts and bearings, the potential for noise and related radio lockouts and glitches is quite high. We recommend the use of 2.4ghz radio systems as they operate at frequencies that are not as susceptible to noise that can be created by the moving parts in a helicopter.
We have had huge success with the Spektrum Dx7 heli radio and we have members who can assist in setting up this radio. We have also seen that the ar7000 receiver is more reliable then any of the 6 series to date. As far as the helicopter you wish to fly, there are many different models available.
It would be best to see what other club members recommend so they can assist you with set up before purchasing a helicopter. Also seek the advice of the club before choosing which electronics you purchase as some items are not compatible with helis.




1. Demonstrate range check
2. Spool up motor and demonstrate throttle hold is set
3. Spool up motor, switch off radio to demonstrate failsafe is set and motor cuts out if model loses signal.
4. Check there is no trim variance in each flight mode.
5. Check servos are operating the swash in the correct directions.
6. Check the operation of tail rudder stick input
7. check direction of gyro operation.
8. Demonstrate that esc will not allow a HOT START; ie if the throttle is in a raised position the motor will not spin upon powering up the model.
9. Check motor gear mesh
10. Check belt tension and drive line freeness
11. Check tail blade rotation
12. Check tail grips for leading edge control is correct to tail blade rotation.
13. Check head for phasing.
14. Check ball links for loose and tight links.
15. Ask builder if the rods have ball links screwed on equally on both sides.
16. Check feathering shaft and tail hub bolts for tightness. Ask builder if all surfaces have been cleaned and Loctite used.
Before every day flying, the helicopter should be inspected by the pilot for:-
1. loose bolts
2. loose belts
3. fraying belts
4. loose links
5. electrical connections ie no servo plugs falling out of receiver etc.
6. Check all parts for fatigue or breaks.
-Prior to commencement of every flight, pilot should check swash, gyro and tail servos are operating in the correct direction prior to spool up of motor.

Club Policy regarding Radio Transmitters

Given the number of 2.4Ghz radio transmitters and systems being produced and imported into Australia and in response to managing any potential insurance risks to our club and our members, the following policy has been adopted which reflects that only equipment which has been certified as complying with Australian standards is acceptable for use at PEMAC.

Only 2.4Ghz radio equipment which has been approved as meeting Australian standards may be used at PEMAC.

27Mhz, 29Mhz and 36Mhz systems
Owing to a higher likelihood of interference 27Mhz band radios are prohibited from use at Hart Field.

29Mhz and 36Mhz systems may be used providing they are labelled as meeting Australian standards and operate on the following channels only.

29Mhz – Channels 10 through to 36
36Mhz – Channels 601 through to 659



Any incidents relating to interference to 29 or 36 Mhz equipment at Hart Field is to be brought to the attention of the committee as soon as possible.

In conclusion members who operate radio equipment on these bands should really be considering moving to 2.4Ghz technology as soon as practicable. Many clubs have already introduced a policy of operating only on 2.4Ghz and while PEMAC still permits the use of 29 and 36Mhz, it is likely that at some future date a similar policy will be adopted by the club.

While we appreciate that members may be on limited budgets (or grown very attached to their old radio systems) there are many good radio systems now available and at very reasonable prices. Members should consider their purchase of radio equipment as their primary investment in the hobby, an investment that will pay dividends in terms of reducing the chance of mishap, injury and expense.

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